Thursday, September 3, 2020

Pif Magazine

My poem, "A Song of Needles" , has been published in the new issue of Pif Magazine .

Not much else going on. So many publications I used to submit to are either folding or charging a reading fee these days. Always looking for new places to send fiction, which reminds me of the need to work harder on the fiction.

Before the pandemic I was trying to work on a book proposal/marketing plan for my first book to send to a publisher and I never finished it. Part of the marketing plan was getting local. Now, I don't know.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


I am proud to announce my first appearance in Abyss & Apex magazine, a poem called Prisms. So take a little time during this time of quarantine to read some poems. Read read read!

Also, the April issue of The Horror Zine is now online!

Friday, February 14, 2020

The Horror Zine and Changes

What an exhausting and rough few months it's been. So many things in my life have been turned upside down. And I am moving in a week so I haven't gotten much work done recently, but I hope once things are settled I can get back to work and work harder than ever.

For some good news, the Spring 2020 edition of The Horror Zine is now available on Amazon and features a few of my poems.