Thursday, September 7, 2017

Literary Hatchet

The Literary Hatchet #18 is now available both in print and PDF and features three more of my poems.

Today also marks the completion of draft #2 of my next novel (I am not spoiling the title yet). Now on to the hardest part: typing it (I know I'm a writer, but I hate typing. Hate it hate it). Once I finish that, however, I can begin the third (and final) draft. That's how my process goes when I write fiction: Draft #1 is the rough draft, where I may only have a beginning paragraph or idea in mind. No ending is usually in sight, but I work to find that ending and keeping going until I do. Draft #2 is a revision, making notes, adding or deleting scenes, perhaps writing character studies. Draft #3 is where I work from my laptop (everything else is just on paper. I'm old-fashioned that way) and work on polishing the manuscript, not leaving a single paragraph behind until it is perfected as best I can.