Thursday, December 29, 2022

Looking Ahead - New Year 2023

 I don't like to make resolutions. Who needs that added stress? It should be my goal of everyday for self-improvement and to work harder. There shouldn't be punishment or guilt when you look back and realize you haven't achieved your goals of the previous year.

So, anyway...

Looking ahead, however, I do already have acceptances for publication, both coming around Springtime: THE HORROR ZINE (a short story, can you believe it?!) and ILLUMEN.

One thing--and unrelated to writing--I would like to improve on for the coming year is my memory training. I know some of you may find that boring, but for me it's enlightening. So there's that.

Happy New Year! ✨

Friday, October 7, 2022

Dark Poetry Day

 Yes, a happy Dark Poetry Day to you all. And I am ecstatic to say, with that, I have three new poems published in the October issue in The Chamber Magazine.

This is a big deal to me because--I don't know what it is--but I've been in sort of a slump. This is only my third publication this whole year and I've gone almost the year without even an acceptance. I mean, I thought I've been working. I'm sending things out. I stick to a writing schedule. I guess it's been a difficult, stressful year. The past few years have been obviously, and just keep feeling even more stressful and I don't know where to find my inspiration from. Maybe I'm just making excuses. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I really would like to thank everyone who reads my work, so thank you. ♥

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Not One of Us

The new issue of Not One of Us is now available for purchase. It includes my poem, "The Other Side of Shadows", along with work by Sonya Taaffe and Alexandra Seidel, among others. This magazine was my first paid publication back when I was a teenager and it is still going strong. Proud to be a part of it once again. 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Happy New Year, New Poems

Once again I get to start off  the year with more work in ILLUMEN. This makes me happy. I'm eagerly awaiting my contributor's copy.

I never like to make New Year's resolutions, but I have to say I always strive to work harder at my writing and this year is no different.