Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Foliate Oak and Illumen

My poem, "Broken" , is now online at Foliate Oak. This is my first appearance on this site. It's a nicely put together journal and I'm pleased to have my work included therein.

Also, I have a poem in the Autumn issue of Illumen . I am waiting anxiously for my contributor's copy.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Third Wednesday

My poem, "Imperfection", is included in the Spring 2016 issue of Third Wednesday . Yay, the drought seems over.

Thursday, March 31, 2016


Contrary to what some might think, when a writer has writer's block, the writer doesn't actually stop working. It's a matter of what is produced. My poetry as of late seems "blah" and it lacks the excitement it sometimes used to give me. I've been trying to reread some surreal poetry I used to love to get me in the mood, but meh. But that doesn't mean I haven't stopped writing. I also am constantly submitting poetry. Constantly. Sending out poems almost every day. And after a dry spell, I will have a poem in the next  issue of Third Wednesday, which is a positive.

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year, New Poems

The turn of the new year brings more published poems! I have three poems in issue #13 of The Literary Hatchet and two poems in the new issue of Pif Magazine. Enjoy! Here's to more publications (fiction, I wish, as well as more poems) in 2016 and to work harder on the goal of actually, someday, calling myself a novelist. I just actually may do some rewriting on Shade, as an editor suggested.

On a side note, I will be taking the Jeopardy! online test once again on the 26th. Wish me luck! I've been trying out for several years. Maybe one day it will happen. It's a very complicated process just getting on the show. Even if you pass the online test (they say passing is getting around 35/50 correct) your name is thrown into a random pool to even get called for an audition. Then, of course, you better have a stellar audition.