Thursday, November 28, 2019

Whistling Shade

My poem, "Late August in Mourning", is featured in the Fall/Winter 2019 issue of Whistling Shade . This is my first appearance in this publication.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Pif Magazine

My poem, "The Insomnia Effect" , is featured in the new issue of Pif Magazine . Happy to have an appearance in this publication again.

Had another acceptance in Illumen as well. Stay tuned...

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Two New Poems

I haven't been online much in the month of February so I am a little late with this post, but my poem, "The Rest of Your Life" , appears in the recent issue of Red River Review .

Also, my poem, "Midnight at the Edge of a Dream" is featured in the Winter Issue of Illumen (Alban Lake Publishing). I have two others poems that have been accepted by Alban Lake. "Absence" (to be featured in Disturbed. This 'zine is folding after the March issue, I believe, which is unfortunate) and "Ascension" (in Outposts of Beyond, which I thought was supposed to in January, but the latest issue I could find was October's). Please check back at their Bookstore if you'd like to purchase any of these issues.