Thursday, November 30, 2017

Liquid Imagination

Issue 35 of Liquid Imagination is online and includes my poem, "The Woman With Leaves in Her Hair". This poem I'm sure I wrote almost a decade ago. It's nice to finally find a home for it. Sorry there's no audio narration to go alone with it. I have no idea how to make an MP3. Besides, I feel a little shy about my voice in public. I haven't gone to a poetry reading in almost twenty years!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Literary Hatchet

The Literary Hatchet #18 is now available both in print and PDF and features three more of my poems.

Today also marks the completion of draft #2 of my next novel (I am not spoiling the title yet). Now on to the hardest part: typing it (I know I'm a writer, but I hate typing. Hate it hate it). Once I finish that, however, I can begin the third (and final) draft. That's how my process goes when I write fiction: Draft #1 is the rough draft, where I may only have a beginning paragraph or idea in mind. No ending is usually in sight, but I work to find that ending and keeping going until I do. Draft #2 is a revision, making notes, adding or deleting scenes, perhaps writing character studies. Draft #3 is where I work from my laptop (everything else is just on paper. I'm old-fashioned that way) and work on polishing the manuscript, not leaving a single paragraph behind until it is perfected as best I can.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Dreams of Dali

I don't know for how long, but it is only now that I realize my poetry chapbook is out of print and I have removed the dead Lulu link from the side of this blog. It is unfortunate that it is considered "retired" by its publisher, as I guess that publisher does. C'est la vie. I guess it's time to write a new book of poems. I had tried previously to collect some poems for a horror-relate chapbook, thinking at first I had a quality-length manuscript, but I was wrong. There just weren't enough poems of that nature.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Pif Magazine

My poem, "Melting", is featured in the July issue of Pif Magazine.

Also, I haven't mentioned it yet, but I have a few poems in The Horror Zine's latest print issue. You can purchase it here.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Dark Moon Digest

My short story, "Aria for a Black Tattoo", has been published in the new issue of Dark Moon Digest!

Honored to have work in a publication that pays by the word and also gives a contributor's copy. I have made a goal for myself to work harder on my fiction.

I also have a poem accepted by The Literary Hatchet, which I thought was to be published in April, but I don't think the new issue has come out yet. I will keep you informed.

Edit: I just received an email stating The Literary Hatchet #17 is now available for a free PDF download. :)