Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Bete Noire

My poem, "She Drowns in Dreams", appears in Bete Noire issue #21. You can purchase this as a print or download. Otherwise, sorry, it is not available online.

Boy, sometimes I feel like I'm typing this stuff for no reason. I am terrible at promoting. I post my publications on Facebook as well, but Facebook is horrible, the silly things that actually do get people to "like" and comment on.

Sunday, November 8, 2015


My contributor copy of Illumen arrived in the mail last week. Yay! This is my first appearance in the magazine and I am quite happy as a lot of well known speculative poets are published here, including Bruce Boston, who is featured in this very issue.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Yellow Mama and Words for Autumn

The Halloween issue of Yellow Mama is online and features three poems by me.

It feels like forever since I have had work published. Summer is always a dry spell, however. A lot of publishers take the season off, either with publishing or reading submissions.

The new issue of Illumen is out. I have to find out if my poem/s are in this issue because I haven't received a contributor's copy yet and haven't seen a table of contents. Also, I should have some work soon in Bete Noire as well. Should be out around Halloween. Plus, more poems in The Literary Hatchet have been accepted. Stay tuned...

Monday, June 8, 2015

I wish I can make an effort to update this blog more, but I'm just not into "sharing" my life. I'm sure I've said it many times before. Part laziness. Part shyness. Part internet paranoia. Is there ever much to say anyway? I haven't had much published lately. I'm starting to think my email is broken. I haven't gotten any rejections in the mail, let alone acceptances, and I have over a dozen submissions sent out. My novella is in literary limbo so I've started to submit that elsewhere. Eh, at least a rejection will let me know the world is still out there...